About Me 2019


Before you begin, I humbly request you to follow this link to my previous About Me and have a quick read through.

Not long ago I introduced myself to you, so you already know a little bit of my story. Now, a year has passed and a new chapter of my life has certainly begun. But first, let’s start with the basics. My name is still the same, unfortunately I am still 5’2, and my favourite ice-cream flavour is still cookies and cream (I don’t think that’s ever going to change).

It’s common to hear that high school is the ‘turning point’ of your youth age; a period for self-discovery, development, and achievement. All of it is certainly true, but as I run to the finish line of my high school track, I sometimes can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed. Until now I had been protected under the reassuring ideal that everything will go as planned, but I have come to realize that unexpected situations take a toil in constructing the story of my life. Be it for better or worse, we are meant to go through various circumstances, and eventually these road blocks become the stepping stones that bring us closer to our ultimate purpose.  

As a potterer molds clay into the vessel he wishes to make, the clay can get too dry and the mold may crack and break. However, a good potterer knows that if he sprinkles a little bit of water and mixes it in well with the clay, he can once again mold the clay into his masterpiece. Our lives are in our hands; the choices we make and the dreams we envision influences how we shape our life. Though plans suddenly change and the path you had hoped to take disappears, it is nothing that a little time and treatment cannot reconstruct. 

I had a difficult time coping with unexpected results. But if I have learned anything in the past year, it’s that nothing ever happens without a purpose. Whether we accept it or not, obstacles are necessary to succeed; it gives you the strength to rebound and correct past wrong doings. 

So this is when last year’s girl begins to resurface and mold into her vision. 

It is time for her to break free from her uncertainties and soar on an independent will.   

It is time for her to fully embrace who she is: Hefseeba which is Ishtta; the beloved one. 

And above all, it is time for her next journey.


With lots of Love,















Main Header Image for my blog: http://sf.co.ua/id27128

Header Image for this page: https://gfycat.com/gifs/search/birds+flying+away




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4 thoughts on “About Me 2019”

  1. Dear Hafseeba,
    I really liked how you connected last years about me to this year. I also liked the voice you used in your piece it added more of a personal feel to your writing. I can really see the growth you have gone through as you and I have known each other for so long. I can only see great things for you in the future.

    One thing I would say you need to further improve on is the length of this piece and also I want you to add more of your creative self into this 😉

    Sincerely Aliza

  2. Dear Hefseeba,

    I love your piece! I can greatly relate to your message about the unexpected roadblocks we will eventually face in life. Your metaphor about the potterer and how our life is molded in our hands is amazing. I’m glad that you’re now confident in yourself and I do hope that you break free from your uncertainties. Your growth from your past self is really inspiring!

    One thing I think you should improve is the length of your piece. As I don’t know you well in person, reading your about me has left me with little insight as to who you are. I wish to get to know you better through our class and your writings.

    Cindy 🙂

  3. Dear Hefseeba,

    I like to point out that your metaphor to the potterer was very very amazing and really did excel my understanding of who you are. The things you wrote about when you spoke about how high school is a time where you find yourself was very true and when you spoke about how you are overwhelmed was something that I relate to quite often, and is something I think about a lot even though I am a Grade 10 student.

    As for feedback, I think that it was very well done and I actually couldn’t find anything that you could change. 🙂

    Conclusion, I think that with this About Me I have learned a lot about you and hope to learn more about you in this semester, and can’t wait for the writing that you create because Mrs. Hunnisett always says that you are an amazing writer and I would like to see for myself.


  4. Dear Aliza, Cindy, and Amit:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and offer feedback. This year’s About Me page proved to be a challenge as I struggled to find something new to share. I am grateful for your suggestions and will keep them in mind for when I come to edit this! 🙂

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