Me, the Critic

Take us on a journey of 2 pieces of your writing that you are most proud of from the semester. Each will be its own paragraph whereby you explain what your piece is about, your process of writing it, and any challenges you faced

Fruit Salad Pudding Recipe

1.What is the TITLE and what is the significance of the TITLE?  

The title “Fruit Salad Pudding Recipe” is a metaphorical comparison used to explain the practises that are necessary in a Christian’s life. This piece is written in the form of a recipe, having step by step processes that explains all the ‘ingredients’ needed to create this ‘salad. At first glance, the title implicates the literal meaning; however, as we read through the recipe, it can be understood that it is a parallel comparison to a spiritual matter.

2. In 17 Words summarize what your piece is about in terms of theme and what happens.  

A simple spiritual recipe necessary in a Christian’s life to obtain the eternal spiritual reward from God.   

3. What was your purpose and audience for your piece.

This piece was written to demonstrate the simple steps that can be taken to obtain the ultimate goal of a Christian. Often times the idea of living a successful Christian life is considered difficult or unattainable due to ‘heavy restrictions and rules’ that we have to follow. Through this piece I wanted to demonstrate that living a good Christian life is attainable through the gifts and guidance that God has freely granted to us; all we have to do is simply follow the steps. My intended audience is anyone of faith, including those from other denominations. Living in faith can become difficult, especially if one is put up against trails and tribulations. During this time, it is really important to stay in faith and find strength from whom you believe in. The steps I described, brings one closer to God, and as you approach God, He will strength and guide you through every paths of life.

*All ingredients were freely bought from the Heavenly Kingdom with the gift card given to God’s own children.   

4. What/who influenced the creation of you written product?

In class, during Nazeefa’s Writers Seminar presentation, she presented an amazing recipe about love. I loved the creative way in which she presented her topic and since then I had been thinking of a ‘recipe’ I could write. On top of that, a couple of years back, my Mom had written a metaphorical bread recipe which talked about the prayer life of a Christian. Using these two inspirations I wrote and rewrote Fruit Salad Pudding until I had my final product.

5. Discuss the craft/style decisions you made, provide examples.

This piece was written in a very methodically structure with steps and measurements – as fitting for a recipe. In church we sit through sermons about a successful Christian, we can read novels, or even articles. However, I wanted to infuse a little creativity into this common topic. The topic itself is structured and can be divided into multiple steps, so it easily fit into a recipe format.  

Steps to Prepare:

  1. Take your pot of salvation and pour in the liter of pure milk and place it on the stove with the fire of the Holy Spirit turned to medium.

  2. Add a tablespoon of butter churned to perfection and the measured amount of fine wheat flour. Stir with the spatula of prayer.

  3. It may take a while, but be patient; continuously use the spatula of prayer until the mixture begins to bubble, overflow, and fill the space.

6. Discuss your progress for experimentation, revision, and feedback and any epiphanies you achieved.

Since I had multiple verses from the bible, I had to do fact checks to make sure that they were accurate. Me and Mom went through the references I had mentioned in the piece and ensured that they worked well with in the context. I also revised the whole recipe with my mom. Slight modifications were made, but majority of what I originally had stayed. I am also very grateful for Tina, Kemi, Zabu-E, and Faryal for leaving a comment. They gave me some suggestions on grammatically correcting the last sentence of the piece; I appreciate their advice and help.  



We Fall Some Prt 2 – Anecdote

1.What is the TITLE and what is the significance of the TITLE?

In last year’s creative writing class, my anecdote was about the time I fell when I was four years old. Coincidentally this year’s anecdote turned out to be about a fall as well – except this time I was seventeen. As I sat there on the hill with a torn ACL, the sudden thought of my grandpa was both surprising and relieving. The title of last year’s post was We Fall Some and I wanted to connect that fall with this; therefore, the title We Fall Some Prt 2 came into form!

2. In 17 words summarize what your piece is about in terms of theme and what happens.

Fall on a ski hill invoking memories from the past and the comforting reminder of a loved one.

3. What was your purpose and audience for your piece?

The main purpose for this piece was to entertain my audience. The overall experience, although painful, was pretty amusing, especially with the Australian dude. Also, this story was a perfect follow up with last year’s anecdote and I wanted to keep it in written records for myself. The intended audience was my friends, peers, families, and teachers; pretty much everyone who has access to this blog. This is a memory that I will never forget and I’m grateful to have it up on my blog.

4. What/who influenced the creation of you written product?

Would it be weird if I said I was my inspiration for this post? As I was musing over what I should write for my anecdote, I scrolled down to see what I wrote for last year and I reread We Fall Some Prt 1. I thought it would be a good idea to write my ski trip fall as the continuation of last year’s story. All jokes aside, let’s just hope there is no repetition for next year.

5. Discuss the craft/style decisions you made provide examples.

Throughout the anecdote, I maintained a very casual and communicative voice; I wanted to highlight the humor in the story. I maintained this by describing certain events that were actually pretty amusing, the main one being I talk with the Australian guy.

“How ya doing?” an Australian voice asked from behind.

“Not perfectly well, but decent,” I replied before turning around.

A young man with the most unique beard color – a copper red- stood offering a hand for support.

“Why don’t you sit down for a bit, that knee looks worse than decent. I’ll send for a toboggan,” he said as he helped me sit down.

“I’m Zac, by the way, and I’m on the lookout for troublemakers like yourself who get hurt on the slopes,” he teased.

Laughing I replied, “I’m Hefseeba, thank you so much for your help.”


6. Discuss your process for experimentation, revision, and feedback and any epiphanies you achieved

To be honest, this assignment was completed on a time crunch, and I had not done much revisions. So when Ms.Hunnisett read it in class, I cringed through all the grammatical mistakes that were in the writing. I need to go back and edit all the spelling mistakes and other grammatical errors. I am thankful for Oba’s and Savannah’s comment; I’m glad they enjoyed the piece and I will be edited as they advised.   

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